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1-16-23  MLK, Jr March Against Tobacco

VKOT participated in the MLK, Jr March. We will walked with our VKOT banner so that everyone can see that we are marching against tobacco. VKOT also set up a table to get youth to pledge to be tobacco and vape free. 

4/30/22- 5K Run Against Tobacco

VKOT and BVCASA hosted a 5K for our local community. We had many participants and gave away many prizes for all. 

4/1/22- First Friday BCS

Here, we promoted our TTFKD event and our 5K run against Tobacco. We had our own booth with free items to give out. Project leaders- Kahlilah Otuegbe, Patricia Bailey-Jones, Walker Satterfield, and Lacey Garcia.

4/23/22- Say What! Tobacco Summit

The tobacco summit is hosted by Texas Say What! and is an educational event for our members to learn more about tobacco and spread the message with the community there. 

3/14/22- KEOS Community Radio

VKOT took to the radio to spread information about smokeless tobacco and our upcoming community projects. Our two representatives were Lillian Valentine and Walker Satterfield

5/7/22- Relay For Life

VKOT supports our local Relay For Life organization. We brought free goodies for participants and volunteered at other booths. 

3/5/22- Park Litter Cleanup

VKOT went to Sadie Thomas Memorial Park and picked up tobacco-related litter, wrote tobacco-related messages, and held signs for cars to see with tobacco-related messages.

4/2/22- TTFKD

A community event hosted by VKOT and BVCASA. We had hundreds of participants present with 8 bounce houses, free snowcones and popcorn, and even COVID-19 Shots.

4/29/22- Fatal Figures Cemetary

We set out 77 pairs of shoes outside of our school, the number of Texans who die each day from their own tobacco use. 

3/31/22- Bonham Elementary Presentation

Our members went to Bonham Elementary to educate the kids on the harms of tobacco. We often say how much we need to educate youth on the dangers of tobacco, and this is one of our many ways of doing so. 

KEOS Community Radio


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